I had a day-off, just only myself, apart from kids and husband today, because I was in a recovery period of my cold, thanks a lot my parents. What I did today is...I listened Yu Takahashi on Youtube...recently I found that Youtube is very useful (so late finding) Yu Takahashi is a very soulful singer, it is a pity that I do not find his homepage in English version. https://www.takahashiyu.com/ Here is a wikipedia page in Einglish, thanks for wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu_Takahashi I also like Miyuki Nakajima. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyuki_Nakajima I feel a sort of same thing with both, Yu Takahashi and Miyuki Nakajima. Both are very soulful, are coming into my heart deeply. I do want to know English singer whose lyric is very soulful as Yu and Miyuki.